
Showing posts from April, 2018

Giant Cheese Stuffed Pretzel

It is baseball season, and one of the things I always think about for ballpark food (other then hot dogs) is a hot soft pretzel with cheese.  I am not the only one in my family who LOVES pretzels, this has rubbed off on my daughter as well.  I think we eat one hot soft pretzel a week (I am not even joking). I love new recipes, and I subscribe to many different food newsletters, so I get new recipes coming in on a daily basis.  This one happened to come across my inbox last weekend, and I showed my daughter, and she said "Let's do this, TODAY!"  So we went to the store and got the ingredients.  What a great treat for a Saturday/Sunday afternoon snack, or a perfect addition to a parties appetizer spread.  This is super easy, so easy in fact, that I made two of them.  Victoria, my daughter, doesn't particularly like jalapenos, so I made one with and of course, one without. After making this, I don't think I could buy a store bought one again.  So give your se

Pickle Cupcakes - April Cupcake of the Month

Happy Thursday to you! I know it has been over a month since my last post, but the Foster family has been hard at work doing a complete Reno on Victoria's playroom.  I will do a post showing our progress of before and after pictures soon. Pickle Cupcakes - WHAT!?  I know, right, crazy.  Well if April Shower's bring Mayflowers, what do Pickle's bring?  They bring one happy friend and colleague of mine.  This recipe all came about as I came across one of her posts on Facebook.  What you don't know is she LOVES pickles and posted this recipe from Delish.  I had to make them for her, because I was just as curious to know what they would taste like. So the challenge was set, and let me tell you, this recipe is super easy, and the cupcakes tasted amazing.  It is all about the little salty/sour and a little sweet, and the bourbon cream cheese icing I will use for other recipes down the road - HOME RUN!  Take a step out of your traditional comfort zone and give these